Welcome to the International Writing Centers Association's Members site. This system allows you to join the IWCA, manage your IWCA membership, submit proposals, register for conferences and events, make donations, pay for event advertisements, and vote in IWCA elections.
The IWCA welcomes proposal submissions from both members and non-members, while conference registrations are limited to members only. To view opportunities, log in to your existing account or create a new free account on this site.Conference, Collaborative, or Summer Institute Registration and Proposal Submission
Manage Your Membership
If you have an existing IWCA membership, log in to renew your membership, generate a renewal invoice, or change your address.
If you do not have an existing IWCA membership, join the IWCA, create an account (no obligation to become a member. Create an account to register for a conference), or generate an invoice.
For questions related to your IWCA membership, email IWCA Treasurer Holly Ryan or contact the IWCA directly.
Member Benefits
IWCA Membership is open to all writing center professionals, scholars, and tutors, as well as to those who are interested in writing centers and the teaching and tutoring of writing. By joining the IWCA, you will become involved in a international community that is committed to strengthening the field of writing center studies.
IWCA Membership benefits include, but are not limited to the following:
Vote in elections
Access to online events (open board meetings and workshops/presentations/discussions)
Opportunities for Mentor Matching
Eligibility to apply for IWCA Research and Graduate Research Grants
Reduced rates for IWCA events
Editor Search for The Peer Review
The Peer Review is accepting applications for its next team of editors. Deadline is January 31, 2025.
Visit The Peer Review's page on the IWCA website for details and information about how to apply.